Djidbidjidbi Kurrambalk barri-kerrnge kabarri-borlbme
New staff at Djidbidjidbi Residential College do cross-cultural training
April 14, 2014Djidbidjidbi Kurrambalk kure Jabiru barri-kerrnge nawu kabarri-durrkmirri barri-wam training-ken. Barri-borlbmeng Bininj an-karre dja Bininj Kunwok yiman ka-yime Kundjeyhmi dja Kunwinjku.
New staff at Djidbidjidbi Residential College and some existing Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation staff in Jabiru went to do some training at the college recently. They have been learning about Bininj culture and learning some Kundjeyhmi and Kunwinjku language.
Arri-borlbmeng kun-wok wurdurd-ken bu arri-djarrkdurrkmirri:
We learnt some phrases for when we are working with the students:
Bu wolewoleh arri-djarrkngun an-me, arri-djarrkyime kun-wok.
Each evening when we eat together, we always say this together:
Karri-djarrkngun— an-me an-mak karri-murrngrayekmen.
We are all eating together— good food makes us healthy.
Some other phrases for youth workers to learn include:
Come here!
Two of you, come here
All of you, come here!
Go away (to 1 person).
Go away (you 2)
Go away (you all, 3+)
Ma wurdurd, an-me karri-ngun.
OK children, time to eat.
Wash your hands (said to 3+).
Korrogo yi-biddjirridjburrinj?
Have you (1) washed your hands?
Korroko? ma!
Already? OK then!
Sit down (1).
You 2 sit down!
You all sit down!
Plate yi-djirridjburrimen!
Wash the plates!
Bolkkime na-ngale ka-djirridjbun plate?
Who is doing the washing up today?
Bale yi-yime?
What are you doing?
Bale ngune-yime?
What are you two doing?
Bale ngurri-yime?
What are you all doing?
Wurdurd baw!
Hey kids, be quiet!
An-kudji yi-djare?
Would you like another one?
Are you full up (food)?
Are the two of you full up (food)?
Are you all (3+) full up (food)?
Ma wurdurd ngurrim-ray karri-wokdi.
OK kids, come here and let's have a talk/meeting!
Wurdurd baw, ngurri-yun!
Hey kids, quiet, go to sleep!
Yawurrinj, ka-mak?
Hey boys, everything OK?
Yawkyawk, bale ngurri-re?
You girls, where are you going?
Bale yi-re?
Where are you (1) going?
Al-kodjok baleh wam?
Where has Al-kodjok gone?
Al-kodok baleh kah-di?
Where is Al-kodjok?
Ka-dirri kuberrk. (the 'd' changes to 'rr' between vowels, so it is actually ga-rrirri)
He/she is playing outside.
Ngale kah-di.
There she is!
Nanih kah-di (close distance)
Here he is!
Nabe kah-di.
He's just over there.
Korrogo ngurri-yidmedjirridjburrinj?
(ngurri- 'you all'-yidme 'teeth'-djirridjbu 'wash' -rren 'yourself')
Have you brushed your teeth?
Yi-re yi-yidmedjirridjburrimen.
Go and brush your teeth! (said to 1 person)
Yim-ray, arr-wokdi.
Come here (1 person), let's talk.
Yi-dangbalhmen. (addressing 1 person)
Close the door! (You can just say yi-balhmen to mean 'close it' for anything, window, box etc)
Open the door!
Wurdurd kandi-bekka!
Children, listen to me!
Yun kun-warre yi-wokdi!
Don't say nasty/obscene things/don't swear! (gun-warre means 'bad speech, bad things')
That is all.